E-Marketing + Social Media
As the in-house graphic designer for Visit Vancouver USA, Taylor Pulsipher created multiple e-blasts for a multitude of purposes such as promotions, events, announcements, and sales team assists and leads. She also re-designed the newsletters in 2017 for both the consumer and sports side of the business. E-blasts go out 5-10 times a year, visitor newsletters are updated and sent to almost 10,000 subscribers monthly, sports newsletters are updated and sent quarterly to local and regional sporting event organizers and players.

Also as the in-house graphic designer, Taylor took over management of the company's Instagram account. Along with daily posting and scheduling, Taylor sources user generated content to share, takes new photos and videos, does monthly stories of local events and business openings, and implemented a weekly event story. These stories are updated weekly and remain on the page highlights throughout the week and are also uploaded to the company's Google Post page where they receives an average of 40,000+ views.